Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan® is a spiritual technology suited for our times and for future generations.
Its origin is an ancient art and science that has been practiced and lived exclusively by devoted masters in India and Tibet, who have honoured and refined it for many generations.
Yogi Bhajan began teaching it in the late 60’s, with a great talent that has enabled this vast wisdom to be adopted for the western mind to grasp, and to be used by householders, busy in the world, to create immediate positive effect. 

The technology of Kundalini Yoga applies posture, pranaym (breath exercises), bandhas (body locks), mudras (hands and fingers positions) and mantra (sound patterns) that are practiced in rhythmic repetition to awaken the latent potential that is known as Kundalini - the dormant power which is symbolized coiled like a snake at the base of the spine.

All yoga aims at the same goal – the awakening of the Kundalini.
When awakened, this potent creative potential arises to re-unite with universal energy, empowering the individual with great awareness and abilities. 

The essence of Kundalini Energy and the Technology of Kundalini Yoga can be understood in the language of science - the glandular system and the nervous system, as they come into greater balance and harmony, functioning as an inner pharmacy which allows deep purification, healing, and elevation of consciousness –
and through the language of the mystics who speak in a mythic language describing the flow of subtle energy through the Nadis, and the transcendent experience of body mind and soul, as the Kundalini serpent rises through the Chakras.

 In the past one had to go on a journey that included several initiations before one could have access this knowledge.
Today you can practice it everywhere.
It is even offered to you here with a push of a button.

No previous experience in yoga or related disciplines is required for you to begin practicing, and to enjoy the benefits. It is a matter of Self-Initiation.

The beauty of Kundalini Yoga is that it is a simple and accurate technology. All you need to do is follow the instructions, keep the rhythm and stay focused, to allow the natural potential of healing and expansion to manifest. And then have the commitment to keep up with the practice, not as an escape strategy but as a tool for transformation.
